OK, after you call your parents and your BFF and spend an evening staring lovingly into your new fiance's eyes, the very next thing you MUST do—assuming your guy dropped a hefty chunk of change on your engagement ring—is INSURE it!
Asscher Cut Diamond Engagement Ring from Kwiat, price upon request.
I know that's like, the least romantic activity EVER when you're probably thinking about, say, wedding dresses or your first dance song, but it's so, so important. I think a lot of people assume their engagement ring is covered under their homeowner's or renter's insurance, but often it's not. (And if you don't have renter's insurance, you need to get on that bus STAT. I mean it. Don't be a dummy.)
So what happens when you take your engagement ring off in the bathroom at the end of the night and—OOPS!—it goes down the drain and is washed away?
Or when you're splashing in the surf on your honeymoon and—OH NO!—it gets lost in the ocean?
You're out one fancy piece of jewelry—which I'm sure puts a major damper on wedding planning or honeymooning or life in general.
You generally need a special "rider" on your homeowner's or renter's insurance for major purchases, including jewelry. And even if your guy thought ahead and got a rider, you should probably go back and double-check exactly what's covered. What happens if your ring is damaged? Stolen? Lost? What if the center stone falls out? If the rider doesn't offer coverage for all of the above, check out a jewelry-specific insurance provider, like Perfect Circle, which covers everything I can think of for a few bucks a month.
Have you insured your engagement ring yet? Are you going to?