Calligraphy Stamp from Etsy seller featherletter, $28.
My stance on wedding favors is this: If I can't eat it or drink it, I probably don't want it. (This comes from years of small-space living, when I didn't have room for your heart-shaped wine stopper or your engraved picture frame.) Bring on the tasty favors! Here's the easiest—and least-expensive—of them all:
Pink Cake Slice Boxes from All Occasions Giftware, $0.67 each. I'm assuming you can find these for cheaper—I didn't look THAT hard.
A cake slice box with a piece of wedding cake in it, topped with a cute thank-you tag.
In my experience, wedding guests are often too busy dancing to enjoy the dessert course, so the sad little slices of wedding cake get doled out by waiters, and then just sit there collecting dust until they're swept away again. Such a waste! Instead of serving a slice per seat, have your DJ or band leader let your guests know to return to their seats if they want to enjoy a slice of wedding cake, then just serve slices to the guests who are seated. Have the rest boxed up and set out so people can grab a piece on their way out. Such a great late-night treat! (Or breakfast, if you're me.)
Fun side note: If there are lots of single girls on your guest list, make a sign letting them know to sleep with a slice of cake under their pillow. According to a Southern saying, if they do, they'll dream about the man they'll marry! (Maybe include a disclaimer that you're not responsible for frosting-smeared sheets.)
Would you give wedding cake as your favor? Or do you want to send your guests off with something more substantial? As a guest, would you like a to-go slice on your way home?