Photo by: Christina Diane on Snippet and Ink via
Did I say you "kinda" need a marriage license? I meant you "totally" do, because you won't be legally married unless you wrangle a marriage license before you swap vows. Here are five things you'll need to get one:
1. A few days. In some states, you need to secure your marriage license at least 72 hours before your wedding, so don't wait until the day before. Don't apply too far in advance though; a marriage license has an expiration date, usually between 30 and 90 days after it's issued.
2. Your groom. You'll probably have to apply in person together, which means this is one prewedding task you can't dump on, say, your mom.
3. Valid ID. Find out what's required ahead of time. Some states just want your license or passport, but Rory and I had to bring our birth certificates in NYC.
4. Proof that you're not already married. If either of you was previously wed, you'll probably need to provide a divorce decree or a death certificate to show that the marriage ended legally.
5. The right kind of $$$. Cash? Check? Credit card? Double-check what forms of payment are accepted before you head for city hall.
This chart should answer most of your legal questions on a state-by-state basis, but be aware that sometimes the rules (like what forms of payment are OK) can vary by county and city, so be sure to call or check online ahead of time.
Are all your marriage license ducks in a row? Already married gals, were you surprised by anything when you went to apply?
In a couple of states, you still need a blood test!