Despite all the months upon months upon months of planning for your the end, sometimes you just have to improvise.
Mark and Ilana learned that firsthand when the person they'd hired to shoot their wedding didn't show up. D'oh! But instead of dwelling on it, they simply asked their guests for any footage that they may have taken with their cameras or iPhones and then edited it all together to make this very sweet video. (Warning: You may choke back a tear or two...I know I did!)
I mean, who needed that videographer, anyway? This video ended up with such a lovely, personal, organic kind of feel—can't you see Mark and Ilana's kids showing this to their kids for years and years? (Although I really, really hope the videographer gave them their deposit back, if there was one!)
Sweet, isn't it? And maybe one reason to not have an "unplugged wedding"—just in case, I mean!