No matter how long you've been with your significant other or how sure your heart feels, the very real commitment of getting legally hitched is a lot (even couples who tell you nothing changes after the wedding will admit that the can't-break-'em easily ties are nothing to joke about). And while no sure-fire test to judge a relationship exists, there is one situation that could help a lot of couples confirm that, yup, this is the person I want to be linked to forever.
Get a dog together.
Beyond the wonderfulness that comes with a pet, caring for and nurturing one can reveal a lot about a person—and specifically show off traits that you should be hunting for in a mate.
There will be tons of opportunities to share not-so-fun responsibilities.
If you're talking engagement rings, you've likely already tackled a few responsibility-required moments: Who's going to drop off the rent check? Did one of you remember to pick up toilet paper? But a dog adds an entire new range of things you'll have to deal with, and the majority aren't as easy as swinging by the grocery store on your way home from work. Someone's going to need to go for a walk in crappy weather or handle a yelping puppy in the middle of the night. Watching how someone reacts to these sort of can't-ignore situations is telling about who they are, and you'll really learn how well you work together. Partner always too busy when it's time to go on a long walk in the cold? *Warning bells*
It becomes super easy to see how big of a heart your partner has.
There's something about a helpless creature who's dependent on you to survive that really highlights a person's capacity for kindness. If you've always been on the receiving end of opened doors and carried bags, great, but do yourself a big favor before taking things to the next level and make sure that caring ability extends to another living thing. There's nothing like watching the person you want to commit your life to moving mountains to make sure a sweet furry little ball is content and safe. Conversely, if you find that a pet isn't being treated properly? Watch out.
You'll deal with messy stuff.
A relationship sees its share of tricky, not-neat issues, but we're talking actual messy stuff here. Owning an animal involves cleaning up messes, accidents, and the like, and it's wise to know how your other half reacts. Trust: There are few things more trying than cleaning up after a pup who's not feeling well, whether that means urgently searching for carpet cleaner or washing a load of sheets somewhere around 3 A.M. Get through challenges like these together, and you'll feel equipped for whatever else life will eventually toss your way.
It's the first step to starting your family.
If you're planning on having children, you'll find no better prep than having a dog first. Your twosome instantly becomes a trio, and you'll start to see how it feels to function as a little family unit. And while even the world's best pet-owners will grumble some that a pet makes it nearly impossible to run off on a last-minute getaway or have a lazy weekend morning in bed, it's a gift to see how your relationship will fare when it stops being just about the two of you.
Want more puppy love? Here’s what happened when puppies invaded Glamour HQ: