Brides-to-be receive a ton of advice, from how to manage the guest list to how to address that little envelope that goes inside the big envelope. But when it comes to, uh, "consummating" (seriously, do people still say that?) their marriage, the popular let-me-tell-you-a-secret nugget of wisdom is too often that a lot of newlyweds simply don't have sex on their wedding night. They say you'll be too exhausted, too drunk, too something.
That insight can be empowering — the pressure is off! — but it's also kind of a downer when you haven't even walked down the aisle. So, in the spirit of helping you go get yours, here are some ideas to make sure you and your groom have the after after-party that you two deserve.
Have a pact with your new husband to leave the after party at a specific time.
The goal here is to walk into your wedding night suite with a few ounces of energy still in you. For example, if your reception ends at 11 p.m., say goodnight to everyone at the bar at 1 a.m. You'll get to squeeze in a few more laughs with your friends without sacrificing your alone time to late-night antics.
Pack some silky PJs you can't wait to wear.
Naughty bridal lingerie is fun — but a luxurious chemise or shorts/tank set might be a better answer on your wedding night. After all, you spent all day in an elaborate get-up; slipping on something silky will feel so good — for both of you.
See More:What Your Wedding Night Lingerie Says About You
Plan ahead to make sure you have everything in your room.
And by "everything," we mean your suitcase and other next-day items. With all the running around you'll do on your wedding day, we suggest simply asking your parents or friends to transfer your suitcases to your suite. While you're at it, ask yourself if there's anything else that would keep you out or running around. If it's all there when you walk in, the quiet calm will instantly relax you.
Turn off your bridal brain and tune into him.
Because wedding planning can be so intense, it's natural to still be in the habit of wondering about the details even after the day is done. Did the guests all get their favors? Why was your brother's seat assignment moved? Where did you put your mom's shawl? Now's the time to forget about it all and turn your attention to your husband. You only get one wedding night — all that other stuff can wait until later.
After your wedding night, on to your honeymoon: