You might recall Classy Girls Wear Pearls blogger Sarah Vicker said “Yes!” to a proposal played out in front of a fireworks display over a European castle. So we were a little worried that her wedding pictures wouldn’t be as over-the-top fantastic as her proposal pictures.
But today she said “I do” to her groom, Kiel James Patrick, and the pictures are even more stunning. The two swapped vows at Henry’s Christmas Tree Farm in Hope, Rhode Island, under evergreen boughs—and in front of hundreds of Christmas trees twinkling with white lights. Like we said: perfection.
(No word on how the bride and groom kept warm. Temps in Rhode Island topped out at 50 degrees today. Brrrrr.)
It looks like they gifted their wedding guests with the cutest gingerbread bear favors:
October has been pushing out May as the most popular wedding month in recent years—but with picture like these, we wouldn’t be surprised if December weddings start to rise in popularity.
We’ll keep an eye out for more pictures, and update the post if anything gorgeous comes through. Stay tuned!