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4 Sweet Vintage-Style Bridesmaid Dresses Your Friends Will Love to Wear


If you want to do matchy-matchy bridesmaid dresses but don't want your best friends to blend into the scenery, here are four sweet dresses that will make them stand out from the crowd.

Bridesmaid Dress 1

Unique Vintage Mint Green Garden State Mesh Cocktail Dress, $128.

Bridesmaid Dress 2

Unique Vintage First Date Draped Peach Chiffon Tulle Swing Dress, $128.

Bridesmaid Dress 3

Unique Vintage Strapless Central Park Floral Dress, $132.

Bridesmaid Dress 4

Unique Vintage Periwinkle Blue Garden State Mesh Cocktail Dress, $128.

I think the way the models' hair is styled makes the dresses look a little costumey. (Obviously that's the point.) But with a modern hairstyle, I think these dresses would look right at home at a 2014 wedding.

Would you dress your bridesmaid in vintage-style dresses? As a bridesmaid, would you want to wear one of these dresses? Which of these dresses is your favorite?

I think it would be fun to do a different pastel dress on each girl.

Here's the Exact Face Mask Lauren Conrad's Using to Get Flawless Skin for Her Wedding


Sure, Lauren Conrad has the whole "glowy California girl" thing going for her—and, you know, genetics—but she's also putting in the work to get her skin wedding-ready. (Which is totally smart. No matter how good your wedding makeup artist is, everything's going to look better if you start with smooth, clear skin.) Here's Lauren's skin-clearing secret weapon:


EmerginC Scientific Organics Phytocell Detox Mask from SkinStore, $50.

The mask is French-green-clay-based and, per the company, "designed to draw out impurities, nourish, soothe, brighten, fight free-radical damage, and improve tone and texture." But forget all that and just look at her skin:


Are you taking extra-good care of your skin pre-wedding?

I wish I had done better. I will next time. (Kidding, kidding.)

An Easy Way to Make Simple Wedding Stationery Look Super-Fancy. (Your Guests Will Think You're So Posh!)


Deciding how much to spend on your wedding stationery is tricky. You want your invites and save-the-dates (and the little day-of things, like seating and escort cards, menus, table numbers, and bar signs) to feel special—but you also know that all this stuff will eventually wind up in the recycling bin. So here's an easy way to cheat fancy: Splurge on your wedding invitations (if people save anything, it will be those*), then print the rest on heavy paper and dress it all up with a custom embosser, which will look like super-spendy letterpress.

As a bonus, using the same "wedding logo" on everything will make your stationery look cohesive—and you can reuse your embosser post-wedding to make his-and-her stationery {hello, thank-you notes! } and pretty seals for your holiday cards. Here are three customizable embossers from Wedding Paper Divas that I like:


Expressive Initials Embosser, $65.

Obviously these two have addresses, which would be weird on your wedding stationery, but I touched base with Wedding Paper Divas, and they said you could just leave the address lines blank so you get only the logo part.


Perfect Together Embosser, $65.


Charming Crossing Embosser, $65.">

Click here to browse all the Wedding Paper Divas embossers.

Would you use an embosser to dress up plain wedding stationery?

I wish I had thought of this six years ago. (Yes, we're pushing our sixth anniversary. Yikes.)

*The last time I checked, my mom still had an album of all her college friends' wedding invitations. And she's SO not the Hoarders type!

Christina Aguilera's Engagement Ring: Here's the Close-Up Look We've Been Waiting For



Christina Aguilera and Matt Rutler announced their engagement on Valentine's Day, but the bride (and expectant mama!) hasn't stood still for long enough since then to give us a really good look at her engagement ring. But I got my hands on some new pictures that give us a pretty good idea. Here are recent shots of her left hand from two angles:


Based on these pics I'd guess it's a 3- to 4-carat oval center stone with an oval-shaped halo and a second halo that sort of looks like flower petals or the top half of a fleur-de-lis on either end, all in a twisted split-shank setting that's embedded with more diamonds. Whew. It's definitely vintage-y in style, but it's a new ring that was designed by her husband-to-be based on two of her favorite rings.

Thoughts on Christina Aguilera's engagement ring from Matt Rutler? Would you want something similar?

5 Jaw-Dropping Wedding-Worthy Dresses From New-to-You Designers


Neither Hamda Al Fahim nor Krikor Jabotian is primarily known as a wedding dress designer—but if they keep turning out gowns like these, they'll both have brides knocking down their doors soon enough. (Krikor trained under Save the Date favorite Elie Saab, which explains why I instantly fell in love with his gowns.) Get a load of all this pretty:

Wedding Dress 1

Hamda Al Fahim

Wedding Dress 2

Hamda Al Fahim

I know the dress below doesn't scream "WEDDING!" but I just love how it manages to look simultaneously ultra-formal and boho-bridal—especially when paired with a crown of flowers.

Wedding Dress 3

Hamda Al Fahim

Wedding Dress 4

Krikor Jabotian

Wedding Dress 5

Krikor Jabotian

Are you familiar with either of these designers? Would you wear any of these dresses as your wedding dress?

"I Want to Marry My Guy, but I Don't Like His Touchy-Feely Relationship With His Mom"



Writes Save the Date reader Yasmine:

I'm a single mom who has been in a great relationship for more than two years. (I'm 31; he's almost 30.) We've talked about marriage, more kids—all of it—and we're excited for our future, but I'm truly uncomfortable with his relationship with his mother.

I met her several months into our relationship (she lives more than four hours away), and right off the bat she struck me as, well, weird. Our plan, the day we met, was to take a ferry to an island for a picnic. So we get out of the car, and she started telling him to "spread some love to the parking meter attendants." Huh? The next thing I know, they're walking several yards in front of me, and she's clinging to his arm and holding his hand like she's his girlfriend. Then we got on the ferry, and she was practically sitting on his lap. I know different families are close in different ways, but I was surprised by how intensely physical she was with him. (For the record, I have a son of my own who I love more than life itself, so I get a close mother-son dynamic, but this just seemed beyond. My brother would freak if my mom got so hands-y with him.) And then she spent most of the day ignoring me, so the outing was pretty unpleasant. I asked him after the fact if she always acted like this, and he said, "Yeah, she was always weird." I mentioned how awkward the hand-holding seemed to me and left it at that.

More than a year later, we agreed to spend the holidays with his family at a rented cabin. Right away his mom started rubbing his back and thighs—like, for a 40-minute stretch—and at one point his sister yelled, "Craig! Come snuggle with me!" I was just TOO weirded out, so I went outside and called a friend to come pick me up. His mother responded by calling the cops. I'm not sure what she told them I was doing, but when they came and I was quietly standing on the beach a quarter mile away, they were extremely confused.

A week later he got a six-page (both sides of the paper) letter from his mom explaining how dangerous I am and begging him to find a safe place for himself and my children. She said I was just like her father and that I was "the kind of girl who would fake a beating just to send him to jail." She also sent some quotes from her dead sister, who she had channelled, including this gem, "She doesn't love you. She will only get pregnant on purpose and make you work 80 hours a week while she sits at home cheating on you."

After getting the letter, we both decided to take "a break" from his mother. We're two healthy adults with a lot to look forward to in our life together, but I'm worried about what kind of life we'll have if she's a part of it. So what do I do?

Here are my thoughts:

As I've said several times on Save the Date, you can't control people's actions; you can only control your reactions. With that in mind, you and your boyfriend need to have a long talk.

First of all, I think you need to talk about what you're OK with physically as far as his mom his concerned. Maybe he tolerates her, um, hands-on mothering because that's how she's always behaved, but he can always step away from an aggressive back rub and say, "Mom, please stop." (If he doesn't want the hands-on mothering to stop, I think we can end the conversation here with: Pack your bags and move on.)

You also need to ask him to stand up for you. I hope when he got that six-pager he called her to say, "I read your letter and then threw it away. You cannot speak that way about my girlfriend." If he's not standing up for you, then there's nothing to stop the continued onslaught of nonsense. (Channeling the dead sister? That is some next-level sh*t.)

From there, you both need to decide how often the two of you will see her, going forward. Your instinct might be to bail on all future interactions, but since you're planning on having kids with this guy, I think you need to accept that his mother occasionally is going to be a part of your life. I think you need a plan for going into each visit and possibly a signal for when it's time to cut a visit short. I don't blame you for running out of the cabin, but if you just run away every time, you're going to be the problem.

And finally, if you both feel like she's moved past "plain weird" territory and into a place where she's mentally unwell, I think you need to talk about whether you should help her find treatment. Of course a lot of this would depend on her wanting help, but if there were some sort of mental illness (which obviously I'm in no position to diagnose) getting her some medical attention might improve things for everyone. (Including you, your boyfriend, your kids, and your future kids.)

I feel like a lot of readers are going to say, "Just RUN from this guy and his wacky mom!" but since I have only one married friend with a great relationship with her mother-in-law, I'm inclined to say you shouldn't wait around for the perfect guy and his perfect mom.

Ladies, what do you think? Should Yasmine bail on her long-term boyfriend to get away from his mom? Or is there hope for this relationship?

Have a wedding-y dilemma of your own? Email me!

Real Wedding Album: Jen & Goldie


Today's real wedding album is an extra-special one, because it stars a former Glamour girl, Jen, and her now-husband, Adam, who goes by Goldie. ("We used 'Goldie' on all the materials," says Jen. "We felt like the casualness of his nickname helped set the tone for the type of wedding it was going to be.) The two swapped vows last October in Malibu at Casa Encantada, a private home that recently started hosting weddings. Jen wore her mom's dress from her parents' 1973 wedding, "totally reworked by master seamstress Susie Kourinian of Susie's Custom Designs in Los Angeles." Her mom also made desserts for the reception, and Adam's sister, Andrea, who's a rabbi, officiated the ceremony. A true family affair. Brace yourselves for a whole lot of gorgeous:




































































































All the gorgeous photos were snapped by wedding photographer Paige Jones.

Oh, and GlamourWeddings regulars might recognize Jen as the bride who did her own wedding makeup—so brave!—using all NARS products. Clearly she has an eye for makeup artistry!

What's your favorite part of this sunny California wedding?

I love how smiley the bride and groom are! (And that dress! Swoon! )

p.s. Please remember these are a real couple's wedding pictures. You don't have to like everything (or anything) but you do have to play nice in the comments.

Dress: Susie's Custom Designs | | Shoes: Fendi | | Rings: Santi Rom | | Hair: Roman Lilley | | Flowers: Clementine Floral Works | | Catering: Max City BBQ | | Dessert: "My mom!" | | Dessert Truck: Chunk N Chip Make-Your-Own-Ice-Cream-Cookie-Sandwiches | | Music: Dart DJs | | Stationary: CuriousMe Designs | | Officiant: Andrea Goldstein | | Ketubah: Urban Collective

10 Things You Can't Forget to Do the Morning of Your Wedding



There's more to the morning of your wedding than makeup applications and Mimosas. (And you thought the hard part was over!) Luckily, these wedding planners have you covered with a list of last-minute to-dos that will make the entire day more enjoyable.

gorgeous bride + bridesmaid shot

1. Trade heels for flats.
"You'll most likely be wearing heels all day, so savor the moments your feet can relax," says Ashley Espinal, owner of Dulce Dreams Events in New York City. "Flats and a beautiful bridal robe will make you feel like a million bucks."

2. Give your cell phone one last charge.
"Not only will you be receiving phone calls and texts from family and friends," says Espinal, "but most of your important day-of information will be stored there — maybe even your vows!"

3. Don't skip breakfast — or lunch.
"Start the day off on the right foot with a healthy, if light, breakfast," says Janice Carnevale, owner of Bellwether Events in Washington, D.C. "And make a plan in advance for someone to either pick up or deliver lunch, as this will likely occur during your getting ready time."

4. Make time for your parents.
"This is a big day for them, too," Carnevale says. "Some brides are now doing a 'first look' with their dads, so consider that idea."

5. Designate a bridesmaid for cleanup duty.
"Assign someone to tidy up the getting ready room before the photographer arrives," Carnevale says. "Get those unsightly lunch leftovers and dry cleaner bags out of the background of your photos."

6. Pop in a playlist.
"Nothing sets a tone like music," says Courtney Wolf, wedding director at Invision Events in Atlanta, Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama. "And listening to your favorite Katy Perry ballad while getting ready is just plain fun!"

7. Pen a love letter to your fiancé.
"Write a candid, in-the-moment note about marrying him on this day," Wolf says. "It will be fun to sit down on future anniversaries and feel those giddy emotions all over again."

8. Pack a makeup bag.
"Have your makeup artist bring extras of the colors they use for you to touch up later," Wolf says. "Make sure they'll fit in your clutch."

9. Clean your ring.
"Never is your ring going to get more up-close and personal," says Victoria Canada, owner of Victoria Canada Weddings & Events in Scottsdale, Arizona. "So make sure it is shining like the star it is!"

10. Drink water—lots of water.
"Start early," Canada says. "No, you are not going to bloat. But it is better to drink it early rather than later. Going to the ladies' room in a wedding dress is a skill that is worthy of the Olympics."

—Written by Jillian Kramer for Brides

Anything else to make sure you do the day-of?

More from Brides:
*4 Inexpensive Date-Night Ideas You Haven't Tried Yet but Should
*11 Things to Do After Getting Engaged
*50 Ways to Slash Your Wedding Budget

Wedding Style Icon: 9 Ideas for an Old Hollywood-Style Wedding Inspired by Scarlett Johansson



Scarlett Johansson manages to look glamourous when she's walking down the street in jeans, so I'm sure when she finally swaps vows with journalist Romain Dauriac (the two were engaged last September) it will be an over-the-top-glam affair. If you love Scarlett's chic, Old Hollywood style, here are nine ways to channel it when you're planning your own wedding:


Event Styling by Davia Lee Events. Photo by Mike Larson Photography.


Photo by Dawn E. Roscoe Photography.


Event Design by Kate Siegel Fine Events. Photo by Allyson Wiley Photography.


Headpiece by My Olivia Nelson. Photo by Jen Huang Photography.


Event Design by Orange Blossom. Photo by Picotte Photography.


Hair and Makeup by Stacie Ford Weddings. Photo by KT Merry.


Event Design by The Graceful Host. Photo by Lauren Rosenau Photography.


Photo by Theo Milo Photography.


Stationery by Wiley Valentine. Photo by Elizabeth Messina.

Special thanks to Inspired by This for rounding up this inspiration.

Would you copycat Scarlett Johansson's style for your wedding? Which of these photos is your favorite?

Nikki From The Bachelor Appears to Be Wearing an Engagement Ring. So Did Juan Pablo Propose?



I don't want to alarm anyone, but it looks like Nikki Ferrell—who won Juan Pablo Galavis' final rose, but not a proposal on the last season of The Bachelor—is currently wearing an engagement-y looking ring. Check this out:

I mean, JP never actually says that's even Nikki's hand, but I think it's a safe assumption. Let's see if we can get a closer look:


Huh. It's definitely a ring, I just can't say for sure whether it's an engagement ring. But it seems weird that she'd accessorize for bed time, especially knowing that all eyes are on her ring finger.

What do you guys thing? Is that an engagement ring? Could Juan Pablo and Nikki be engaged? And if they are, do you think she's bummed that she missed on out the big ol' Neil Lane ring?

5 Super-Pretty Engagement Rings to Send You Into the Weekend on a Sparkly Note


Are Nikki and Juan Pablo from The Bachelor engaged? I just can't tell you. But I can tell you that the five gorgeous engagement rings below belong to real, live engaged Save the Date readers. Get a load of all this pretty:

Engagement Ring 1

Manuel and Kelly met in 2004 while they were both vacationing in Terceira, an island in the Azores. But he lived in the U.S. and she lived in Canada, so they eventually lost touch. "He was always the one who got away," Kelly says. So when the reconnected through Facebook in 2012, she didn't let him get away again. They began traveling between the U.S. and Canada immediately, and he proposed in front of both of their families at Terceira in 2013. After she said yes, 200 red balloons were released, and later there were fireworks. "It was one of the most amazing days of my entire life," Kelly says.

Engagement Ring 2

David went to visit Mallorie for a weekend while she was participating in the Disney College Program. Following dinner at the Grand Floridian Resort, they went outside to watch the fireworks across the lagoon. And "after the fireworks finished," Mallorie says, "we took some pictures together and he dropped to his knee!"

Engagement Ring 3

Sarah's guy proposed during a holiday light tour in downtown San Francisco.

Engagement Ring 4

Lauren and Jon are both big golfers, so he proposed last winter at the Ocean Course at Kiawah Island. "He had placed the ring in a golf ball-shaped box on the 18th hole, right next to the beautiful ocean," Lauren says. "It was perfect!"

Engagement Ring 5

Morgan and Josh were vacationing in Las Vegas for her birthday when he proposed at the hotel with champagne, rose petals, and balloons. That weekend, Josh won $1,200 at the blackjack table. "Talk about a good omen for our marriage," Morgan says!

Which of these engagement rings is your favorite?

If you'd like to share a photo of your ring on Save the Date, you can click here to submit it with the contact form. Or you can email a photo to glamour[dot]weddings[dot]girls[at]gmail[dot]com. I try to run reader engagement ring posts often, so take your time and send a biggish, nonblurry photo! (Please DON'T send an Instagram photo or add text or special effects!) And if you've already sent a pic, sit tight—it's coming!

Come See a Sweet Photo From Katie Couric's Wedding—and Score Her Chic Wedding Dress for Just $570!


Katie Couric just shared a picture from her wedding, and it's so sweet, I just have to share. (Katie married John Molner in a backyard wedding in the Hamptons on Saturday, if you missed the news.)

And I have to share the details on her Carmen Marc Valvo wedding dress {at least I'm pretty sure it's her dress; obviously we can't see the bottom in the photo above }, which you can now score on sale for just $570.


Carmen Marc Valvo Halter-Neck Beaded-Bodice Gown from Neiman Marcus, $570.

* * * * * UPDATE * * * * *

It looks like the dress I found isn't her exact dress (you can see the bottom of her gown, which looks like it has more lace and beading down below), but it's a pretty amazing option if you want an inspired-by look on the cheap.

* * * * *

Thoughts on Katie Couric's wedding picture? And would you wear the look-alike dress as your wedding dress?

I love it on her.

6 People Who Will Stress You Out on Your Wedding Day—and How to Keep Calm in Spite of Them


Welcome to your wedding day! With the stress of planning behind you, you might think the big day will be easy-breezy, and it should be—as long as you can navigate these six potential stress bombs.

The "It's All About Me" Mom or Mother-In-Law Weddings come with a host of of heavy emotions, especially when your son or daughter is the star of the show. Some moms might be adept at handling stress, while others might teeter closer to meltdown territory. If you know your mom or future MIL might get a little testy, plan to keep your distance. (If you'll be getting your hair and makeup done at 10 A.M., schedule her appointment for noon.) Hang a sign that reads: "Stress-Free Zone: Bride and Bridesmaids Only Beyond This Point" on your hotel suite. If a manic mama busts in anyway, appoint a bridesmaid to run interference, steering her gently toward the door before she asks if she can quickly rearrange some tables on your seating chart.

The Badly Coiffed Bridesmaid On a similar note, your closest friends might start acting a little funny on your wedding day too. I've seen several bridesmaids tear out their updos in disgust or take a wipe to a fresh face of makeup that's "All wrong! Just ALL WRONG!" If your friends tend to be picky about their hair and makeup (and even if they don't), leave plenty of room in the day's schedule for stylist do-overs. It might be worth it to book an extra appointment at the tail end of your session, so you have pros to attend to any 'maids who are feeling less than perfect.

The "Wedding Hotline" Callers I'm always amazed by how often a bride's cell phone rings on her wedding day. Some calls are from well-wishers ("Don't forget to stop and take it all in!") and others are from guests who want to update you on their schedule ("We just got to the hotel!" or "I think the GPS is on the fritz. Where, exactly, is the wedding?") Rather than field all the calls yourself, put your phone on vibrate and turn it over to your maid of honor, who can gently let people know that you're unavailable.

The Lost (or Just Late) Wedding Vendor A week before your wedding, email a reminder to your vendors with the date, time, and location where they're expected. If anyone's responsible for "extras" (your florist said she'd bring an extra-tall ladder or your caterer's volunteered a mic stand), remind them then. Type up a quick list with two contact numbers for each vendor ahead of time and you won't have to dig through your wedding binder (or, worse, the Yellow Pages) to track down your cake maker. Give the list to your day-of coordinator or a cool-headed family member—your super-chill aunt, for example—and ask her to touch base with any vendors who are running behind schedule.

The AWOL Guests and the Unexpected Plus-Ones No matter how carefully you tallied your RSVPs, your head count will fluctuate until the very last minute, with some guests getting sick and others showing up with a surprise date. Assuming your seating plan stays mostly intact—there's not one table that's suddenly empty—inhale, exhale, and let your caterer know to adjust the number of chicken breasts accordingly. Sure, it's not ideal that everyone at table 6 has to to scootch over to make room for your college roommate's new fling, but at the end of the day, a couple of extra bodies (or a few missing ones) aren't worth stressing over.

The Long-Lost Relatives The best thing about weddings is that they bring together far-flung friends and relatives. The worst part is, some of those guests might want to spend cocktail hour (the WHOLE hour) catching up or getting to know you better. A LOT better. Be prepared for when your mother-in-law's cousin goes into a never-ending spiel about adding your relatives to the family tree (this happened to me) by practicing a few key phrases: "I'm excited to catch up with you, but my wedding planner seems to need me right now" or "I'm sorry, I need to run to the ladies' room, but let's chat more at brunch tomorrow!"

Are you anticipating wedding-day stress? Or do you think your guests will keep their cool?

Desiree From The Bachelorette Picks Her Favorite Hot-Off-the-Runway Wedding Dresses—Plus, Pretty Accessories to Match


Of course The Bachelorette's Desiree Hartsock has her own wedding-day look to plan. (Her big day with Chris Siegfried, who got her final rose, is currently in the works.) But she was sweet enough to take a break from her wedding to round up some gorgeous inspiration for yours, including her five favorite Maggie Sottero wedding dresses from Bridal Market (Des is working with Maggie to design the two wedding dresses she'll wear) and gorgeous accessories to match all of 'em.


Gemma wedding dress from Maggie Sottero. Iva Halo from BHLDN, $180. Ella drop earrings from Elizabeth Bower, $145. Badgley Mischka Klark satin sandals from Nordstrom, $265. Nina beaded frame clutch from Nordstrom, $125.


Marcella wedding dress from Maggie Sottero. Elizabeth combs from Sara Gabriel. Fete day earrings from BHLDN, $80. Jimmy Choo Evelyn pumps from Nordstrom, $625. Gem metallic brocade minaudiere from The Dessy Group, $28.


Annette wedding dress from Maggie Sottero. Katrina clip from Sara Gabriel. Victoria stud earrings from Elizabeth Bower, $95. Jimmy Choo Fayme lace platform sandals from Nordstrom, $995.


Esme Marie wedding dress from Maggie Sottero. Rhinestone headband (A-5501) from Eria Koesler. Nadri crystal and cubic zirconia drop earrings from Nordstrom, $80. Nadri boxed pendant necklace from Nordstrom, $65. Benjamin Adams London Athens pumps from Nordstrom, $399.


Sorrento wedding dress from Maggie Sottero. Gilded waterdrop earrings from BHLDN, $129. Badgley Mischka Thora pumps from Nordstrom, $195.

Which of Desiree's favorite wedding dresses do you like best? And which accessories would you choose?

I think the first look is my favorite. I'd wear all of it!

p.s. Check out a super-cute photo from Desiree and Chris' engagement shoot!

Exactly How to Organize Your Seating Chart (Without Having a Total Meltdown!) From Celeb Wedding Planner Mindy Weiss


There are a LOT of complicated ways to organize your wedding seating chart—apps and diagrams and paid websites—but I think the best way to organize your seating chart is actually quite simple: with a pen and Post-its. Celeb wedding planner Mindy Weiss just Insta'd a visual.

Obviously this highly organized bride and groom have a special pre-printed page for every table, but you can just use a regular sheet of paper. Assign each group—childhood friends of the bride, groom's relatives, etc.—a Post-it color {I like the Page Markers, because the big pack comes with 10 colors } and write each guest's name on a Post-it. (Give each guest his or her own note. Otherwise it will get confusing when some Post-its represent a couple and others represent a single person.) Then start shuffling your Post-its accordingly. Because your mom's coworkers are all on purple, or whatever, Post-its, you can visually keep tabs on all of them.

When every Post-it—er, person—has a place, write down your final list. Because obviously if you leave a stack of Post-it-covered papers spread out on your dining room table, that's exactly where your cat will deposit her latest hairball art.

Are you worried about organizing your seating chart? How were you planning on doing it?

We actually used a paid website (I think you had to pay if you had more than 10 tables, or something) when it would have been so much easier to do it on paper. Moving Post-its with your hands just feels easier than clicking and dragging when there are 26 tables involved.

New Vera Wang for David's Bridal: 2 New Bridesmaid Dresses, a Bunch of Cute Accessories, and a Wedding Dress Sneak-Peek


Vera Wang's certainly been keeping herself busy. In addition to designing her regular wedding dress collection, she turned out all new wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, and wedding accessories for her David's Bridal line, White by Vera Wang.

Here are the latest bridesmaid dresses:

Here are the shoes:

Both black pairs have major wear-again potential, IMO.

Some hair accessories:

Those are hair clips on either end, if that's not abundantly clear, and a hair clip with a little veil in the middle.

And a sneak-peek of one of the new wedding dresses:


Check out all the current offerings from White by Vera Wang here.

Thoughts on the latest from White by Vera Wang?

Forget Sparklers, Here's Exactly What You Need to Make a Dramatic Wedding Exit. (Sue Sylvester Would Approve!)


Fine, I'm not entirely over sparklers. (They're just so ... sparkly.) But if you'd like to make a high-drama wedding exit without risking combustion, here's a sweet idea by way of photographer Brian Leahy:

A confetti cannon exit!

After watching five seasons of Glee (#dirtylittlesecrets) I was under the impression that confetti cannons were a major budget-buster, whether we're talking about a cheerleading team budget or a wedding budget. I think coach Sue Sylvester paid $1,000 per cannon, but it turns out you can get single-use confetti cannons for less than $10. And I'm guessing you'd be good to go {Ha. Pun intended. } with a couple of those, right?

Would you do a confetti cannon exit from your wedding?

I kind of want to get some confetti cannons, just to have on hand in case the right event arises. So awesome.

Claire Pettibone's Latest Wedding Dresses Bring Glam-Boho Bridal Style to the Masses


You probably recognize Claire Pettibone's ultra-romantic dresses from celebrity weddings (Mark Zuckerberg's bride wore Claire) and the red carpet (here's Carrie Underwood killing it in a hot-off-the-runway gown). And now real brides can wear Claire Pettibone without having Facebook billions or an A-list paycheck, thanks to Romantique, a new line with all of Claire's signature glam-boho prettiness starting at $1,500. Here are seven of my favorites. (I included rear views, since a sexy back is kind of Claire's thing, and there's no shortage of sexy backs here.)

Wedding Dress 1

Wedding Dress 2

Wedding Dress 3

Wedding Dress 4

Wedding Dress 5

Wedding Dress 6

Wedding Dress 7

Thought's on Claire Pettibone's Romantique? Which of these wedding dresses is your favorite?

The Super-Unique Sweet Treat Your Wedding Guests Really, Really Want at the End of the Night


As a wedding guest, I love when the bride and groom send me home with a snack after the reception. (I work up an appetite with all that dancing!) And here's something I'd be psyched to snack on:

If you can't tell from the picture, it's tiny tubs of raw cookie dough. But it's not just any cookie dough. The cups above were made by Edoughable, a company that uses all-natural ingredients and doesn't use eggs, so your wedding guests would get all the tastiness of raw cookie dough without a side of salmonella.

Would you serve your wedding guests raw cookie dough? Would you be psyched to get a raw cookie dough snack, as a wedding guest?


Beyonce and Jay Z Shared a Little Video From Their Super-Secret Wedding!



Beyonce and Jay Z gave fans something extra-special last night: On the opening night of their On the Run tour in Miami, the power duo (married in 2008) showed videos of their super-secret wedding and daughter Blue Ivy during a mash-up of "Forever Young" and "Halo."

Here it is! (Just keep the volume low. There's a screamer at the end.)

How cool was that?

I kind of want to go to a show now, just to see more. (And, you know, to see Bey and Jay.)

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