Before you have a meltdown, Diane Kruger and longtime boyfriend Josh Jackson are NOT engaged. But when this popped into my Instagram, I screamed {Totally awkward—I’m in a cafe! } and started to feel woozy.
LoadingFeels strange to be married..even for a movie ! Haha..don't mind the diamonds though ;)
Diane and Josh have been on my they’re-SO-going-to-get-engaged list several times. I know there are plenty of naysayers, but I still have a hunch that a wedding’s in the cards for these two. (Yes, Diane told Glamour that she’d never marry again. But Halle Berry said the same—and she and Olivier Martinez just celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary. And Josh JUST told Glamour—exact quote—"We may get married.")
How crazy was it to see an engagement ring (and a wedding ring!) on Diane Kruger’s left hand? Did anyone else freak the freak out?