Given how much thought he put into designing Angelina Jolie’s engagement ring, I’m surprised that Brad Pitt’s new wedding ring looks, um, just like my dad’s. (We found out earlier this A.M. that Brad and Angelina were married last weekend, if you just woke up.) Angie’s e-ring features ethically sourced diamonds that have an elongated shape to accentuate the shape of her fingers, if I remember correctly. And Brad Pitt’s wedding ring is a plain gold band. I guess we can go in for a closer look.
That’s Brad’s hand at a photo call for Fury earlier today. I don't know, maybe there's something twisty or texture-y going on there?
After two YEARS of waiting for the wedding, the very first post-wedding pic has me feeling deflated. But since the newlyweds have sold photos in the past to raise money for charity, I’m hoping that their wedding pics are currently on the auction block. (What’s our photo budget again, Glamour?)
Thoughts on Brad Pitt’s new wedding ring? Does your dad have the same one?
P.S. Here are the exact roles Brad and Angie’s six kids played in the wedding.
P.P.S. Wondering if Angelina Jolie wore a white wedding dress? The first deets are in!