It's wedding season, ladies. And whether you're attending 10 of 'em or you're the one {gulp! } walking down the aisle, I'm guessing you have questions.
What should I gift my bridesmaids?
Can I wear black as a wedding guest?
How do I tell my future mother-in-law to back off?
My boyfriend wasn't invited to the wedding. Can I RSVP with a plus-one?
Whatever your questions are, I'm going to answer them—along with editors from Brides AND the soon-to-be-married Whitney Port. And you're all invited! We'll be chatting on Twitter tomorrow at 1 P.M. ET, and you can get your questions to us with our official hashtag: #BRIDESxGLAMOUR.
Then all the answers will be popping up from @glamourmag, @brides, or @whitneyEVEport. We're SO excited to chat with you guys!
What wedding-y questions are bugging you right now?/strong>