When I was, like, 6 years old, my dad bought me a copy of A Very Young Dancer from a flea market, initiating my long-time fascination with the New York City Ballet. So I'm SO excited to share these three custom engagement rings, which former NYC ballerina Jamie Wolf designed for three current members of the New York City Ballet—who are all marrying dancers. (I'm pretty sure a boy dancer is called a ballerino, but don't quote me on that.)
Engagement Ring 1
Principal dancer Tiler Peckengaged to principal dancer Robbie Fairchild
Engagement Ring 2
Soloist Brittany Pollackengaged to principal dancer Jon Stafford
Engagement Ring 3
Soloist Ashley Laracey (on the right) engaged to corps de ballet dancer Troy Schumacher
After dancing in the corps in Black Swan with Natalie Portman, Jamie custom-designed her engagement ring in 2010, and just now started offering custom designs to the masses. Click here to check out all of her offerings.
Which ballerina's engagement ring do you like best? And who else kind of wants to be a ballerina when she grows up?