Photo by: Feather and Stone on Inspired By This via
Last week I shared my official list of bridesmaid duties—and the list of jobs bridesmaids can skip. As a follow-up, here are four things a bride should NEVER ask her bridesmaids to do. If she does, proceed with caution. You might have a bridezilla on your hands.
1) Request that you plan and pay for an engagement party. Bridesmaids traditionally pay for and plan the shower and bachelorette party. If the bride and groom want an engagement party, they need to tap their parents or plan it themselves.
2) Ask you to change your physical appearance. A bride can't ask you to drop five pounds or touch up your roots for her wedding day.
3) Ask that you not change your physical appearance. To that end, she can't ban pre-wedding bridesmaid haircuts, dye jobs, or tattoos. (Did I want any of my bridesmaids walking down the aisle with bright-blue hair? Eh, no. But if one had decided she needed a radical change, I would've rolled with it.)
4) Demand a huge bridal shower or a destination bachelorette party. If the bridesmaids are hosting the events, they get to dictate the size of the guest list, the location, and the "fancy" factor. If they can afford Sunday brunch at one of their homes, that's what the bride gets—even if she wants a country club party.
What else CAN'T a bride ask her bridesmaids to do? Did I miss anything?