Writes Save the Date reader Elise:
My dad hasn't been in my life a whole lot, and our relationship isn't that great. He will be at my wedding, but I was planning on having my brother walk me down the aisle. I'd still like my dad to sit at the head table, make a speech, and do the father-daughter dance. So is it weird if I take one key father "job" away from him? A lot of my friends and family members say this setup doesn't make sense, and he should either do all the jobs or none of them. What should I do?
Here are my thoughts:
When people give you their two cents, you should smile and say, "I will DEFINITELY take that into consideration" and then do whatever the hell you please.
Honestly, it just doesn't matter what "jobs" your father does, and it's annoying that everyone and their cat feels the need to weigh in on this. The point of a wedding is for you and your groom to get married, and you're not going to be more or less married if your dad walks you down the aisle or gives a speech or pops out of your wedding cake.
In my experience, your wedding is never going to meet everyone's expectations, and it's never going to make EVERYONE happy, so you might as well make yourself happy. If you're happy to have your brother walk you down the aisle and have your dad do everything else, don't change a thing. Sure, it means your wedding won't be EXACTLY like everyone else's. But I think that's a good thing.
Ladies, what do you think? Should Elise give her dad all the jobs? None of them? Or should she tell people to butt out?
Have a wedding-y dilemma of your own? Email me!