While it varies from couple to couple, it might sometimes seem as if your fiance is less-than-interested in the details of wedding planning. And you may take his general lack of opinion and occasional eye-roll as "you handle it, I'll just stay here and watch football." But, as disinterested as he might seem, over time, we've come to realize that there are usually five areas of the wedding planning process that guys secretly are into, and even better, really care about:
1. The honeymoon
While he may have insisted that you choose the locale, it's likely that he's just invested in the destination and journey. In fact, most guys actually dream of surprising their bride-to-be with some romantic aspects of the honeymoon (if not the entire thing!). If you're not into surprises, that's OK—just make sure you let him be as involved in the planning as he'd like to be (and chances are good that he probably would really like to be involved!). P.S. Check out the world's top 20 honeymoon destinations!
2. The cake
Most brides assume that their fiance has zero interest in the wedding cake. And while he may be less in tune with buttercream vs. fondant (unless he's a chef), most men love the chance to taste test wedding cakes at appointments with bakers, so bring him along. You both will be surprised at how much fun you have and how helpful his opinion is (and what a bonding experience it can be, too).
3. The music
If there will be dancing at your reception, it's likely that your husband-to-be will want to help set the tone of what's played and when. In other words, this is the time where he may want to be sure your love of eighties love songs isn't completely exploited by the DJ and some more up-beat tunes are played. If you're in sync musically, great. But if you have differing styles, be sure to let him suggest a playlist of songs that he loves, and you can do the same.
4. The getaway car
Most guys have an opinion about this and may even want to handle the vehicle situation entirely. You might be surprised at how much he's thought about the type of vehicle that will take you from church to reception, or whisk you away to your hotel later that night. He might be a limo guy, or maybe he wants to surprise you with an antique Rolls Royce. Let him!
5. The first kiss
While this isn't exactly an aspect of the wedding you can plan, you'd be shocked at how many men think about the first kiss after being declared man and wife. He wants it to be romantic, passionate, but not too intense, and he definitely doesn't want to botch it. Just know that he's thinking about this part of the ceremony, perhaps more than any other part. Ease his mind by asking him how he envisions the first kiss going, and then practice, practice, practice!
—Written by Sarah Jio for Brides
Which details has your guy cared about most?
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