No, we don't know who these newlyweds are, but they certainly made a splash when they got married during the pregame festivities at a University of Tennessee football game. Twitter was all—um, you know, all a-twitter about it:
#IDo! RT @LauraLMonroe33: You know youre a true VOL fan when you have a combined tailgate / wedding at the game!
— Tennessee Football (@Vol_Football) September 7, 2013
Tennessee gameday tailgate wedding. The bride.
— Zackary Peddicord (@PeddiVOL) September 7, 2013
Sure, there are some shorts present—and, of course, the requisite orange—but this hardly looks to be a just-beer-and-hot-dogs kind of affair. I mean, look at the bride walking down the grassy aisle in that long, strapless gown. It's definitely a wedding with a theme—but I don't think it's at all over the top.
Do you?