This tip is courtesy of a bride-to-be friend who also happens to be very organized and a lot smarter than I was during those hectic days of planning.
She created a separate email address solely for wedding-related stuff.
So simple! So easy! This way, she explains, she can streamline the messages coming in from caterers, flower boutiques, the venue, musicians, and even her mother-in-law-to-be who is, uh, very into being involved, let's just say. If you think of how many emails you get during the course of an ordinary day—work, friends, family—and then add in the myriad you receive during wedding planning, it makes total sense to keep them as separate as you can.
Plus—and this is such a big plus—when the wedding is over, all spammy messages from the random wedding businesses that got your original address during planning won't go to your everyday inbox. (Because please believe those keep coming for a long time.)
Are you as impressed as I am by this brilliance? Or maybe you've already done it (or something similar?)—in which case, you are brilliant.
More wedding planning tips:
* 10 things every bride has to know about wedding planning
* Solid reasons why you should definitely hire a wedding planner
* What a wedding reception timetable should look like