The best part of arguing, some might say, is what comes after: makeup sex so good it could heal all wounds. "Makeup sex is a way to maintain your intimacy and bond together despite the disagreement," Jane Greer, Ph.D., sex and relationship expert and author of What About Me? Stop Selfishness From Ruining Your Relationship. But before you jump into bed after a bickering match, our experts say, there are a few rules you must follow. 1\. Never have makeup sex out of spite. You can't carry your anger into the bedroom, our experts warn. "It can backfire," explains Kat Van Kirk, certified sex therapist and author of The Married Sex Solution: A Realistic Guide to Saving Your Sex Life. Instead, she suggests, "learn to channel your anger and frustration into passion. It's all just energy. Makeup sex can be healing—if you allow it to be. Allow your vulnerability to shine through." And while you can't go to bed still bickering, Greer believes makeup sex can be more passionate than your normal between-the-sheets action. "It's okay if this sex is a little more intense or aggressive, or not necessarily your usual style," she says. "Both parties are coming at it