Money stands up straight and tall on our list of awkward conversations to have with anyone, ever. Let alone, during wedding planning. The wedding budget talk can be something that causes the first burst of stress and chaos in your journey down the aisle. The best thing you can do, as a couple, is have the conversation early on with your families, separately. The tradition of the bride's family covering the tab for the entire wedding is something that's going out of style — more and more couples are paying for the wedding themselves or both families are splitting paying for the affair equally. But if after you have that conversation with your family members and find out that only the bride's family is going to contribute to the wedding, it may be time to take a step back and reevaluate the scale and the scope of your nuptials. Once you know how much the bride's family can contribute, see how much you as a couple can add to your wedding budget. Once you have the budget set, you can then go back to the groom's family and see if they wouldn't mind paying for certain items, vendors, or extra