Matchy-matchy bridesmaids might be falling out of favor among brides—lots of brides are content to choose a color and let their friends each pick a dress, matchy-ness be damned. And still, your bridesmaids might prefer to just buy a specific dress that you’ve picked out, for several reasons: (1) They don’t have time (or the desire) to spend searching for the perfect shade of Burnished Unicorn’s Breath Lavender to coordinate with your carefully selected color palette. And (2) They want you to love the dress, which is a lot more likely to happen if you go ahead and pick it yourself.
If you’re OK with just sending your friends a “ATTN: BUY NOW!” bridesmaid dress link, check out the new Serenity collection from Donna Morgan, which features fabrics, silhouettes, and details (sparkly sequins!) that your bridesmaids would probably choose to buy if left to their own devices.
The phrase “wear-again potential” always feels like a sham—does anyone, ever?—but the tutu-looking dress would be SO cute for a wedding guest.
Check out the entire Serenity collection on, and click back often for an on-sale date. (It’s reportedly coming any day!)