Twitter was taken over this morning with people around the globe weighing in on ways to make a marriage better, stronger, or more likely to go the distance. There were funny, but heartfelt opinions (like lots of advice about drinking), but also serious gems that any paired-up person would do well to consider. Presenting, in no official order, some of our favorites:
Make Communication a Priority #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— DJ Wade-O (@djwadeo) June 9, 2015
-love the same things.
-always be weird together.
-don't mind other people.
— Weird Danielle (@Le_Awkward_Me) June 9, 2015
Pick Your Battles Carefully #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) June 9, 2015
#MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words No taking for granted.
— Suzan Col��n (@colonsuzan) June 9, 2015
Be generous with compliments. #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— Lisa Ryan LPC (@LisaRyanLPC) June 9, 2015
Ask her to dance.
— Upland Gifts (@UplandGifts) June 9, 2015
#MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words. Patience, fairness, equal respect.
— Blessedson72 (@LZAHARUSRAISED) June 9, 2015
Always talk it out. #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— Pat B. (@dulceaux) June 9, 2015
Have lots of sex
— SecularSoutherner (@SouthHumanist) June 9, 2015
#MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words love, loyalty, forgiveness and friendship @DeWayneFulmer73
— Julie Fulmer (@jfulmer103171) June 9, 2015
#MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words Never hold a grudge
— Kalin Edwards (@K_Money_14) June 9, 2015
#MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words Little things really count
— Mary Russo (@scrapper62) June 9, 2015
Say "Thank you" daily. #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— Cait Reynolds (@caitreynolds) June 9, 2015
Listen before you talk #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— Wain Myers (@amormonteacher) June 9, 2015
Separate bathrooms and closets. #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— Lee Radziwill (@LeeRadziwill) June 9, 2015
#MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words Give each other space
— Jillian (@Pheramuse) June 9, 2015
Always share your nachos #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— Kate Astrophe (@Kate_Astrophee) June 9, 2015
Put down your phone #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— Foolish Girl (@kristinisloud) June 9, 2015
#MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words I bought ice cream.
— ������������������ (@unaquedibuja) June 9, 2015
Drink tequila together occasionally #MakeMarriageBetterIn4Words
— Jared Davenport (@jtdavenport83) June 9, 2015
Trust Me, Two Orders
— Bill the Butcher (@NotBTB) June 9, 2015
More Relationship Must-Reads:
The Two Words That Are Improving My Marriage (and They're Not "I'm Sorry")
How Long Should You Wait Before Getting Engaged? Is There a Minimum?
10 Signs You're Marrying the Right Person