You’re probably going to spend a whole lot of money on your wedding pictures, so it’s kind of sad to see them all go into an album that you never crack open. (Seriously. I dare someone to find my wedding album.) Of course you can frame a few, but I find it off-putting when a couple turns all their walls and open shelves into a wedding shrine. {Like, we get it! You’re married! Now let’s move forward. } So here are six things to do with your wedding photos that don’t involve looking at 74 photos of yourself, all day every day:
This is the photo that sparked this post. I love this.
I think you can do this once, in the year you get married. After that it gets a little, “Hey! Does everyone remember my wedding?!”
Newlywed Christmas Photo Cards, Minted, from $1.21.
So sweet to hang year after year!
Regal Christmas Black Glass Ornaments, TinyPrints, $27.99.
I feel like a pair would be cute for you and your guy to use in the morning.
Coffee Mugs, Shutterfly, from $9.85
I like this one for your bed. Is this starting to get weird?
Custom Pillows, Shutterfly, from $34.99.
I think sentiment of lockets is sweet—your loved one is close to your heart—and this one’s pretty awesome. (Obviously you don’t need to spend this much on a locket, but it’s too lovely not to share.)
Ziegfeld Collection Daisy Locket and Chain, Tiffany & Co., $895.
To be clear, I don’t think you should fill your house with all custom photo decor, all the time. I just think having one or two of these is a cute alternative to, say, a ginormous wedding photo wall.
Will you frame a bunch of your wedding photos? Or do something else with ’em?
Perhaps I’m in the minority, but I feel weird being surrounded by a bunch of photos of myself.