One Direction singer Harry Styles took time off from being a teenage heartthrob this weekend in order to walk his mom, Anne Cox—whom he has described as his best friend—down the aisle before she married her longtime partner, Robin Twist, who helped raise the Harry. Here's a pic his sis, Gemma, shared on Instagram:
Harry wore a white rose on his lapel to match the bouquet his mom carried at the ceremony at Pecks restaurant on Saturday. I'm not sure whether he misplaced his brush or got caught in a windstorm on the way to the wedding, but the X-TREME BEDHEAD look is kind of working for him, no?
"Harry couldn't stop smiling. He hardly left his mum's side, and she looked really proud of him. He sipped champagne and chatted to everyone," a guest told the Sunday Mirror. (Chatted "to" is funny, right? Must be a Brit thing!)
I'm going to attempt to post a wedding video that Harry shared via Vine, but it might take me a few tries, so bear with me:
— Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles) June 2, 2013
In order to keep the media away, the Mirror reports: "Guests were told details of the wedding at the last minute. A decoy coach full of bogus wedding guests went to Doncaster racecourse, 80 miles away."
Thoughts on Harry's best-man look?
I love that he's besties with his mom!