Blergh: Allison Williams—who’s been engaged to College Humor cofounder Rick Van Veen since last February—said last night in a sit-down with Seth Meyers that her wedding has been postponed in light of her father Brian Williams’ suspension from NBC Nightly News.
Between dealing with a family crisis and—Hello, Peter Pan—the actress said that her wedding plans have taken the back burner: “It's been a very full year,” she told Seth. “You sort of think, ‘What could possibly come along that would make me not think about this?’ And then I get Peter Pan and I think, ‘OK, I will think only about Neverland and then we'll go back to planning our wedding.’ Then current events started happening, so that derailed it a little bit, but it has been this really beautiful through line in our lives. It's just something we haven't focused on, but, spoiler alert, we are excited!”
That’s Ricky on the left in the photo below.
Obviously it’s all simultaneously frustrating and heartbreaking for a couple to put their nuptials on hold for major work and family upheavals, but it seems like they’re rolling with it in the most graceful manner possible.
Thoughts on Allison Williams’ postponed wedding?