Every so often, a batch of engagement rings comes along that's SO ultra-pretty, I come thisclose to having a physical reaction. Today was one of those days.
Engagement Ring 1
Samatha's boyfriend proposed after a scavenger hunt, where a family member was waiting at each stop to hand her a clue to next one. Her guy was waiting at the end—surrounded by candles and 100 roses!
Engagement Ring 2
Hannah's guy had a family diamond reset as a solitaire. "I absolutely love it!" she says. "Except for the times I've scratched myself on it."
Engagement Ring 3
Celia had her heart set on a blue sapphire engagement ring but downplayed her dream ring to her boyfriend, who had just started a business. So you can imagine her surprise when he proposed with this ring, which he designed. "It might take a while to pay for the ring, but that look is eternal," he said. "It's a little corny," said Celia, "but I teared up!"
Engagement Ring 4
Melissa's boyfriend, Ahren, proposed on New Year's Eve at the Denver Botanic Gardens Trail of Lights!
Engagement Ring 5
Kelsey's boyfriend surprised her by proposing the night before their vacation. "He was too nervous about taking the ring through customs or losing it on the beach!" she says.
Which of these engagement rings is your favorite?
If you'd like to share a photo of your ring on Save the Date, you can click here to submit it with the contact form. Or you can email a photo to glamour.weddings.girls@gmail.com. I try to run reader engagement ring posts often, so take your time and send a biggish, nonblurry photo! (Please DON'T send an Instagram photo or add text or special effects!) And if you've already sent a pic, sit tight—it's coming!