Your wedding stationery can cost you loads and loads of money {I recently saw a pro athlete’s wedding invite that was an iPad—for every wedding guest }, but it doesn’t have to. I absolutely adore this bookmark save-the-date, which you could re-create SO inexpensively.
It looks like this bookmark involved custom artwork, but you could probably come up with something inexpensive on your own and print them at home. (I would use the heaviest paper your printer can handle, so it doesn’t seem flimsy.) Then you just add a yarn tassel—here’s your how-to—which you could make so cheaply. (Check the dollar store for yarn—you’re not wearing it, after all.) I *think* you could even mail this like a standard letter, so for the price of a stamp, but I’d check with your post office for that.
Are you loving this sweet save-the-date too? Would you copycat it?