It's no secret that I love wedding dresses AND proposal stories. Combine the two and I'm over the moon!
Don, on the left, is super-duper tall in real life! That's his groom on the right!
You guys all know and love Don O'Neill—you just don't know you love him! He's the creative director behind Theia, a.k.a. the genius behind to-die-for wedding dresses like these.
Well, just after Bridal Market, Don and his partner, Pascal Guillermie (owner of floral boutique Fleur De Pascal!), were in Miami celebrating 20 (TWENTY!) years together. And Don had this little ol' banner flown overhead:
Awwww! I like that it's a major statement, but the guys got to have their privacy, ya know? Like, a million times better than a Jumbotron at a sporting event, where suddenly 40,000 eyes are on you. (I'd just die!)
Don and Pascal are planning to exchange vows twice in 2014, first in New York, and then in Don's home of Ireland. After 20 years together, they deserve two parties!
Congrats, fellas! I'm dying to know what you'll wear!
Would you want a proposal in the sky?
If I were the one doing the asking, I'd be SO nervous about the weather! And that the person I was asking would, like, go to the bathroom or decide to take a nap or something! But I have control issues. Clearly.